
Operating Theatres

We have two, dedicated, small animal operating theatres, fully equipped with the latest anaesthetic and monitoring equipment, surgical lighting and heated tables.

Imaging Room

Our imaging suite is equipped with our radiography and ultrasound equipment, as well as housing our endoscopes and cold laser. The suite is fully compliant with current Ionising Radiation Regulations.


We have several roomy, warm kennels for dogs, including two walk-in kennels for larger dogs, equipped with orthopaedic bedding. Cats enjoy splendid separation, in their very own kennel room, with a birdseye view of one of the operating theatres through a large glass window.

There is also a separate room for isolation kennelling, for the infectious cases.


We are fortunate in our range of in-house laboratory equipment, enabling a great deal of tests to be completed in a very short time at the surgery.

Prep area

This is the hub of the small animal surgical area, with the operating theatres, imaging suite, and kennel rooms leading from it. The prep room is where all the pre-surgical preparation is carried out, and much of our diagnostic and dentistry work is done.