Ystwyth Vets have been serving the Aberystwyth area since the 1920’s. The early days were spent on Bridge Street, and following that in the premises on Gray’s Inn Road, and some of us are old enough to remember getting sheep trailers up to the door in the narrow street, during lambling season. We moved to our current location, purpose-built and with space for stables, lambing facilities, and plenty of parking, in leafy and quiet Llanbadarn Fawr, just opposite the church, in the mid/80’s.
Since then we have grown steadily in number, from 4 vets when we moved, to our current 12. We have 9 administrative staff, 5 nurses and 3 assistant/student nurses. Our staff are constantly striving to improve our services and our talents; some examples of our further education exploits are as follows;
Dafydd Jones is currently studying for a Certificate in Large Animal Health & Medicine. Harry is heavily involved in the Celtic Sheep breeding work, following in the footsteps of Hwyel, his father.
Kate is an Advanced Practitioner in Small Animal Surgery, gaining her certificate in 2004, and carries out a wide range of orthopaedic and soft tissue procedures. We have invested in a wide range of equipment and implants to ensure that we are ready to go for most surgeries, and can obtain further equipment and implants with 24 hrs notice.
Diane is an Advanced Practitioner in Small Animal Medicine, and makes full use of our diagnostic equipment in her investigations.
Alice has commenced training for an Ophthalmology Certificate.
Iwan and Hannah are both studying for their Small Animal Surgery Certificates.
Our team of nurses are dedicated to the patient journey whilst in the hospital. The nurses implement multi-modal pain strategies during and after surgery, as we know this aids healing, and is essential for patient comfort.